
Who am I: A retrospective

Who am I?

Hey, Hi, Hello. And. Most of all, greetings. I'm Devan Benz. A person on earth and software engineer. I have spent most of my life trying to find my place and the wonderful world of technology has really been pretty comfy, so I decided to stick with it.

Why am I?

The path one takes is often treacherous and overwhelming. I am writing this blog to push myself, improve my writing skills, and just leave a trace of myself somewhere on the web. Kind of a journal to have a place for spilling out my thoughts, goals, and technical musings. It's overwhelming putting yourself out there but this is a step in the right direction. Please do not take anything and everything I say as matter of fact. I hold the title software engineer but that does not make me an authority on the subject any more than anyone else who reads this blog.

Where am I?

I am based in the Midwestern United States.

What am I?

  • Programming Enjoyer
    • Mostly Typescript at work, Rust, Go, & Java in my free time.
  • Cat Lover
    • I have two great cats named Tadashi & Mizu.
  • Partner
    • I spend a lot of time with my significant other. She is my best-friend and everything.
  • Keyboard enthusiast
    • I own three custom mechs (not a ton by hobbyist standards).
  • Home-Lab'er
    • If you ever chat with me ask me about the "cardboard rack" and I'll be sure to send you some pictures.